PRIVACY POLICY 1. INTRODUCTION At The Satori Association, we are committed to protecting your privacy. We do not sell your data and do not associate any collected data with your name or any traditional form of identification. We aim to collect only the necessary data to ensure optimal performance and functionality of the Satori Neuron software ("Software"). 2. INFORMATION COLLECTION The Software collects the following information: Public Keys and Addresses: Generated by the Software itself to identify the activities of this instance of the Software on the Satori Network. Public IP Addresses: Used to potentially detect whether the user has been referred to download the Software by someone else. Hardware Metrics: Simplified metrics about the hardware the Software is running on, such as CPU, memory, and disk space, to optimize its performance. Predictions and Voluntary Data: The predictions created by the Software and any data the User voluntarily shares with the Software and the network as an oracle (data provider). 3. INFORMATION USE The collected information is used as follows: IP Addresses: To potentially detect referrals. Hardware Metrics: To optimize the Software's performance on the local machine, including the nature and quantity of the data streams it subscribes to and the machine learning algorithms used for predictions. Predictions and Voluntary Data: Shared openly and freely with the Satori Network. 4. INFORMATION SHARING The Software does not share user information with third parties. However, predictions produced by the Software and data provided by the user as an oracle are shared openly with the Satori Network. Users should only share data intended for public consumption. 5. DATA SECURITY We have implemented secure connections to the Satori Network and measures to protect the Software from common security threats. These measures include [specific security measures, e.g., encryption, firewalls]. The Software does not collect any information that could be used to identify the user. 6. USER RIGHTS Users have the following rights regarding their data: Access: Users can access their data using the Software's built-in tools. Correction and Deletion: Users can correct or delete their data by contacting us directly at [contact method]. 7. DATA RETENTION The Software retains user information indefinitely unless otherwise directed. The Software does not store usernames, password hashes, or any information that could be used to identify the human user. 8. LEGAL BASIS FOR PROCESSING We process data based on the following legal grounds: Performance of a Contract: To fulfill our obligations under the EULA. Legitimate Interests: To improve the performance and functionality of the Software. 9. CHANGES TO THE PRIVACY POLICY Any changes to this Privacy Policy will be posted on the Software's website or displayed in the Software itself as a banner on the dashboard of the user interface. 10. CONTACT INFORMATION For privacy-related inquiries or concerns, please contact: The Satori Association